Saturday 26 January 2019

Science Behind Pyramids

The science behind this ancient structure is truly fascinating. When constructed perfectly, the Pyramids are generally in direct line with the true North and South (and not magnetic North or South) directions. True North or South is a constant and refers to the geographic North or South Pole. There are energies or electromagnetic field that run in this direction and encompass the Earth. And the reason it is not magnetic North is that our Earth sits on a tilt-rotating orbit. It is not perpendicular to its orbit going around the sun. Our Earth is slanted or tilted at an o angle of 23.5 from its orbital plane. This tilt is not only responsible for the changing seasons as the Earth revolves around the sun but also for a very special energy force that comes into play as the Earth rotates around itself! And when the Pyramids are aligned to the true North, they pick up direct energy belts and energy fields that keep the planet in its orbital spin.

When we spin anything, it creates a centrifugal motion. The faster it spins, greater the centrifugal force. The centrifugal motion is also an integral aspect of electricity, so it is a form of energy. In this way, when pyramids are aligned to the true North, they pick up the centrifugal-force-energy which is higher energy. It captivates the energy and bounces it from equal sides of its walls and collects it in the center in a rotating effect. The energy that collects inside has no magnetic proportions. It is completely free of any magnetic force- it is sovereign energy. When particular objects are placed in a pyramid, the energy inside actually immobilizes the object in its aging process or puts it in a sort of vacuum system. This allows whatever is put there to stay there .. in that form for a long time, similar to the manner in which the Earth is in the sun’s orbit for ages.

When it is built of stone, which is a soluble mass, or wood, or of anything that is not a conduit, then the Pyramid is able to collect the energy within to utilize it for whatever is put inside. And if we choose to put ourselves in there for meditation, we will experience the magic of ‘thought-free state of mind’ faster than ever before.

SourceA Master’s Reflections on the History of Humanity, Part II – Ramtha
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How Do Pyramid Works ?

Pyramid :

A pyramid is a structure with four equal triangular sloping sides resting on a square base and the four apices joining at a point forming the apex of the Pyramid. In a Pyramid, four base measurements are equal and four side measurements are equal. Side measurement is equal to 0.951 x base.

Golden Pyramid-Angle :

The pyramid consists of four faces with an accurate or ‘golden angle of inclination’ at 51° 51′ 51″. Due to this shape, angle and the Earth’s magnetic field, the Pyramids receive the highest Cosmic Energy .. making them the most stable structure and wonderful energy places. Their capability is defined in their name. ‘Pyro’ means ‘fire’ or energy and ‘Amid’ means ‘centre’ or within; hence, Pyramid is a device with energy at its center. 

Pyramid Construction :

For the Construction of a Pyramid, it is enough if we know the base (B) measurement alone as we can calculate the rest, that is the side (S), height (H) and the height of the King’s Chamber inside the Pyramid. The King’s Chamber should be located in the center of the Pyramid, at 1/3rd the height from the base of the Pyramid. Energies will be maximum at the level of the King’s Chamber. Base measurement of a Pyramid can be chosen ( any size ) as per convenience and need.

side = base x 0.951

If we maintain this relation we will get the pyramid angle of 51’51” automatically

height = base x 0.636

the height of King’s Chamber = H x 1/3

For example :

When the base of a Pyramid is 10 feet,

side = 9.51 feet ;

height = 6.360 feet ;

the height of the King’s Chamber is 2.12 feet from the base

How do Pyramids Work? 

In general, Pyramids are good conductors of information energy. It means they are able to transfer information better than others. When an object is placed inside the pyramid, it receives amplified or stronger information about itself. This frequency raises the potential of the elements and “charges” them. This is irrespective of what is put into it. For example, if one puts razor blades under a pyramid, it will stay sharp because the information that makes up those microscopic metal crystals try to remain in their original shape by trying to move atoms to the areas that were worn away. Similarly, if one is trying to meditate under a Pyramid, the person’s efforts are amplified and he is able to reach a ‘thought-free state of mind’ faster under it.

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Friday 25 January 2019

Brahmarshi Patriji Experiments with Pyramids

Pyramids focus Cosmic Energy:

It is true, that meditation can be done at all places and at all times. However, if we do meditation while sitting in a Pyramid, we will receive more universal energy, i.e. cosmic energy. The Pyramid is like a magnifying lens. Sun rays are everywhere, but if these sun-rays are focused at a point by using a magnifying lens, even a paper kept at this point will burn. If the sun-rays are not focused, the paper remains intact. Similarly, cosmic energy is everywhere. The basic source for this cosmic energy is cosmic consciousness. Cosmic energy is the basis for physical atomic energy. This cosmic energy exists everywhere. The instrument to focus this cosmic energy is the Pyramid.

The word “ Pyramid ”, can be split in two parts – these are ‘pyra‘ and ‘mid‘. 

‘Pyra‘ means fire and ‘Mid‘ indicates a position in the centre or in the ‘middle’. When energy is focused, it gets stronger and its strength doubles or triples. If the strength is increased further, then fire emerges. So, to get the maximum energy from the Pyramid  we have to sit in the middle of this fire i.e. pyra + mid ! For the focusing energy to be maximum, a pyramid should be aligned towards the true North – South at an angle of 51° 51′ 51″.

You can visualize a Pyramid while meditating:

If you do not have a Pyramid near you, imagine a Pyramid and visualize you are sitting inside it for meditation. It will be effective.

We can construct a Pyramid and sit inside it or we use a Pyramid cap, or we can hang a Pyramid above our heads. We can even sleep under a Pyramid and get refreshed. It has wonderful energy.

We can keep water inside a Pyramid  for the entire night and drink the energy filled water. Similarly, we can keep fruits under a Pyramid and the fruits will remain afresh for a longer period due to Pyramid energy.

After reading the book “ The Secret Power of Pyramids ” written by Bill Shull and Ed Petit in the year 1982, I asked my carpenter to make two Pyramids. I kept a ‘brinjal’ (a kind of vegetable) inside one Pyramid and kept one outside. The brinjal kept inside the Pyramid stayed fresh for about thirty days while the outside brinjal got spoiled after two days. Similarly, I used to keep my shaving razor inside a Pyramid. The razor used to last for about a month.

Pyramids help in concentrating the Mind:

If we place a Pyramid on a table, our mind gets focused automatically on the Pyramid  That means, mind will not run here and there but gets into the habit of focusing itself. Pyramids center our mind even from a distance. This new habit minimizes the wandering of the mind and unifies the mind. Hence, we can keep Pyramids anywhere in our house.

We can remove the ill effects carried forward from our previous lives by doing Meditation. The Bhagvat Gita says:

“ api chedasi paapebhyaha sarvebhayaha papa krutthamaha
Sarvam gnana plavenaiva vrujinam santharishyasi “

It means “even if you are more sinful than the most sinful one, yet, all those sins can be washed off, in one raft of Spiritual Knowledge.” You will not get the knowledge just by reading the Bhagvad Gita. You will experience it all only through Meditation.

Pyramids can be built with any material:

The Power of Pyramid is widely investigated all over the World, but some have doubts about the material with which a Pyramid can be made. Some wonder if a Pyramid can be made with Iron. Some wonder whether electricity connection can be provided inside a Pyramid. Whether a fan can be fixed in the Pyramid. Or can windows be arranged for the Pyramid? Well, we can build a Pyramid as we like. Please remember only the angle should be proper, i.e. 51° 51′ 51″. In a normal room the walls are at 90 . If these walls are bent to 51° 51′ 51″, it will become a Pyramid. Let the material be any thing, it is fine. We can place a crystal on the top of the Pyramid (under the roof), to increase its energy. If we go to other worlds by ‘astral travel’, we can see wonderful Pyramids. There are so many worlds and higher technologies. But, in every world there is Pyramid technology.

Pyramid Spiritual Centers for Every Town:

Pyramid Spiritual Centers are coming up in every town and village. In every village there should be a common Pyramid, where everyone can perform group meditation. Smaller Pyramids can be hung in individual houses. One or two persons can sit under these Pyramid. However, since Group Meditation is more beneficial, there should be a common Pyramid for every area. Every town and city should have their own Pyramid Meditation Center. 

PSSM actually began as “The Kurnool Spiritual Society” in Kurnool. The first Pyramid Center is the “Buddha Pyramid Meditation Center”, which was constructed in 1991. Later on in the year 1996, Uravakonda in Anantapur District became the location for the second Pyramid known as “Lobsang Rampa- Pyramid Spiritual Center”. Another Pyramid Center known as “Agastya Pyramid Meditation Center”, which can accommodate above 1000 people, was constructed in AnantapurTown in the year 1999. Later on “Pavana Putra Pyramid Spiritual Center” was constructed in Guntakal and “Sree Veda Vyasa Pyramid Spiritual Center” was constructed in Vempally of Kadapa District.

The headquarters of PSSM, Bengaluru, called Pyramid Valley International, has one of the biggest Meditational Pyramids named as “The Maitreya Buddha Pyramid”. It has a capacity of Buddha Pyramid which is one of the most powerful energy spots on the earth right now.

Due to the relentless efforts of Pyramid Masters all over India, hundreds of Pyramids have been built to-date for meditation. Over 100 large Pyramids with capacities ranging from 50 people to 1,000 people were built in several towns of India enabling powerful Group Meditation sessions. Additionally, at least over 5,000 roof top Pyramids were built by individuals in their homes, to act as in-house meditation halls. Apart from this, PSSM has embarked on building Mega Pyramids that can hold thousands of meditators at a time to help effect positive global changes in the shortest possible time.

The Pyramids are built in order to represent the internally stored fire-energy and divine-force within ourselves (From “ The Pleiadian Mission ” by Randolph Winters).

There may be much more about Pyramid Power than that we are currently aware of. Hence, we should keep experimenting and learning further and further about the Power of Pyramids and develop scientific concepts and scientific methods.

Source :
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Seth on "Pyramids - Level Of Energy Fields on Earth"

“The Pyramids are also useful to enhance the level of energy fields on the Earth and to create its equilibrium” ~ Seth

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BRAHMARSHI PATRIJI – PSSM Hail unto ..  PYRAMIDS Hail unto ..   PYRAMID ENERGY   Hail unto ..   PYRAMID HEALING Hail ...